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Exercises For People With Arthritis

  • Health

The first thing to know about arthritis is that it’s not just one disease; there are over 100 different types! But despite their differences, they all share some common symptoms: joint inflammation (swelling), stiffness in joints, painful joints when moving or exercising, limited range of motion in affected joints. That means that if you have arthritis, then your body probably feels stiff or sore after sitting idle for long periods of being inactive for most of the day. Exercise can help alleviate these symptoms by increasing circulation and reducing joint inflammation.

The good news is many types of exercises can be beneficial for people with arthritis, including cardio, strength training, and stretching exercises. This article will provide you with helpful tips about finding the best activities for your specific type of arthritis and condition. Remember to always check with your doctor before starting any new exercise routine, especially if you have an existing condition like arthritis.

Low Impact Cardio

If you have arthritis, high-intensity cardio is counterproductive. Instead, low-impact exercises like walking are best. These exercises allow for less stress on the joints and reduce inflammation. Walking is known to be one of the best activities for those living with arthritis because it can improve your mood and relieve stress while reducing pain at the same time.

Begin by setting small goals instead of trying to go all-out right away. For example, maybe your goal could be just 10 minutes of daily walking or 30 minutes twice a week until getting used to exercising regularly again becomes more enjoyable for you.

Stretching & Joint Mobilization

Stretching is an excellent way to increase your range of motion and reduce stiffness, which can be helpful for those with arthritis. When stretching, it’s important not to force your body too much-if you feel pain, stop immediately or risk making the condition worse. Stretching should never hurt! Many different stretches focus on other body parts, so find one that targets your specific joint problems, such as hips, ankles, toes, etc. Don’t forget to warm up before performing any exercise by doing some light cardio or walking. If you’re interested in joint mobilization techniques, check with a physical therapist before trying anything at home; joint mobilization involves moving the affected joints slowly and gently to stretch the muscles and increase circulation.

Strength Training

As people age, they tend to put on more weight which puts stress on joints and can cause them to hurt or become inflamed. Strength training helps strengthen muscles surrounding affected joints, allowing your body to distribute weight better and prevent further pain. It also helps protect the muscles surrounding the joints from deteriorating with age.

If strength training is new for you, begin slowly without taking too much rest time between exercises-start with two days a week, each lasting about 15 minutes if possible. Always speak with your doctor before attempting any exercise regimen, especially something as intense as strength training!

Tips To Keep In Mind When Exercising With Arthritis

Remember to always speak with your doctor before starting any exercise regimen, especially if you have an existing condition like arthritis. This is important because it will ensure that you choose the right exercises for your specific type of arthritis and conditions. It’s also a good idea to perform a little bit of light cardio or walking before starting any form of exercise to warm up the muscles and joints. That way, they’ll be more pliable while stretching, which can help prevent injuries from occurring during the actual workout. Additionally, don’t forget to rest when you feel pain-if something feels painful. Stop immediately or risk making the situation worse! Finally, it might be helpful for you to take breaks during your workouts by stretching out your muscles and joints. This can help prevent painful inflammation and other complications that could occur due to overworking your body.


Arthritis isn’t easy to deal with, but it doesn’t mean you have to stop being active either! There are many different exercises that people can do to stay healthy and keep their arthritis in check. There’s something for everyone who wants to improve their quality of life while living with this condition, from low-impact cardio, strength training, stretching, and joint mobilization. Make sure to speak with your doctor about the best forms of exercises to do to keep your arthritis in check.