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Top Rated Exercises For Back Pain

  • Health

If you are suffering from back pain, you know how debilitating it can be. It can make it difficult to do everyday activities and even harder to exercise. But did you know that there are exercises that can help relieve back pain? This blog post will discuss the top-rated exercises for back pain. These exercises are proven to help reduce inflammation and ease discomfort. So if you are looking for a way to get relief from your back pain, read on!

Hamstring Stretches

One of the best exercises for back pain is stretching your hamstrings. This group of muscles is located in the back of your thighs and helps to support your lower back. When these muscles are tight, they can contribute to low back pain. Therefore, it is important to keep them stretched and strong. Hamstring stretches can be done by lying on your back and bringing your leg up towards your chest. You should feel a gentle stretch in the back of your thigh. Hold this stretch for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side.

Pelvic Tilts

Another great exercise for relieving back pain is pelvic tilts. This exercise helps to strengthen the muscles in your lower back and can also help to decompress the spine. To do pelvic tilts, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Then, tighten your abdominal muscles and tilt your pelvis upwards. You should feel a gentle arch in your lower back. Hold this position for five seconds and then relax. Repeat this exercise ten times.

Wall Sits

Wall sits help to strengthen the muscles in your back and improve your posture. Wall sits can be done by anyone, regardless of their fitness level. To do a wall sit, simply stand with your back against a wall and slide down until your knees are at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for as long as you can. If you start to feel pain, stop and take a break. Wall sits are also great for toning your legs and improving your balance.


If you’re looking for an exercise that can help relieve back pain, Pilates is a great option. Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that can help to strengthen the muscles in your back and improve your flexibility. There are many different pilates exercises that you can do, so it’s important to find one that suits your needs. If you’re new to Pilates, it’s a good idea to start with a basic class or DVD so that you can get familiar with the exercises. If you suffer from chronic back pain, it’s important to talk to your doctor before starting any new exercise program.

Knee To Chest

Knee to chest is a great exercise for back pain because it helps to stretch the muscles in your lower back. To do this exercise, lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Then, bring one knee up towards your chest and hug it with both arms. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then repeat on the other side. You should feel a gentle stretch in your lower back. This exercise should not cause any discomfort, so if it does, do not continue trying it. This exercise is also great for improving your flexibility.

Strength Training

Depending on the amount of back pain your experiencing, some exercises may not be suitable. Strength training helps to build strong muscles, which can help support your spine and take pressure off of your joints. There are many different ways to do strength training, so it’s important to find one that works for you. If you’re new to strength training, it’s a good idea to start with basic exercises and increase the intensity as you get stronger. As always, if an exercise is causing you pain, stop and consult with your doctor.


There are many different exercises that can help to relieve back pain. It’s important to find one that works for you and to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. While some may be more difficult than others, doing these exercises regularly can help to reduce back pain and improve your overall health. If you suffer from chronic back pain, it’s important to seek medical help so that you can get the treatment you need. There are many different ways to treat back pain, so don’t suffer in silence.