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15 Foods To Eat For Healthier Hair

Healthy, beautiful hair starts with a healthy diet. The best foods to eat for healthier hair contain important vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Your body needs protein, calcium, zinc, iron, and other nutrients to grow strong and healthy hair. If your body is not receiving these nutrients in adequate amounts, your hair will see the effects! This article will explore some easy ways to get these essential nutrients into our diets so that you can have the best-looking locks possible! This article will also include a list of the best foods to eat for healthier hair!


Spinach contains a variety of nutrients that are good for healthy hair. Like many foods listed here, it’s high in iron and vitamin C – two crucial components to helping us grow strong and lustrous locks. Spinach also has vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, folate, and lutein which help prevent hair loss by repairing damaged cells in the scalp and regenerating new growth. It’s best to avoid over-cooking spinach since it can be pretty delicate and deplete its nutrient value (which you’ll want to preserve!)


Seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, flax, and sesame are excellent sources of essential nutrients that can help promote healthier hair growth. Pumpkin seeds contain anti-inflammatory properties which help reduce swelling in your scalp. Sunflower seeds have a high concentration of vitamin E, which produces sebum – an oily substance made by the body to hydrate skin and hair naturally. Flaxseeds have omega-3 fatty acids that strengthen follicle walls and improve blood flow to the scalp. Sesame seeds are full of copper, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, fiber, antioxidants – all important nutrients for beautiful locks!


Eggs are one of the best high-protein foods you can eat, making them a part of our list of the best foods to eat for healthier hair! Eggs provide many nutrients to nourish your scalp and promote healthier hair growth! They contain B vitamins, vitamin A, selenium, and zinc – all important for healthy-looking locks. Studies have shown that selenium helps increase the scalp’s circulation, making it easier for follicles to absorb vital nutrients from the blood. It also helps prevent dandruff which can contribute to duller-looking hair.


Berries may not always be in season, but they are worth purchasing while available. These delicious fruits contain antioxidants and vitamin C, which promote healthy skin cells! Blueberries also have manganese, vitamins B1, B2, and B3 – all crucial for healthy scalp function. Cranberries contain vitamin K to strengthen the blood flow to the scalp (which is essential for making hair follicles healthier). Berries can be thrown into yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast or blended up in a smoothie with some frozen bananas to make for an afternoon snack.


Avocados have potassium, vitamin E, vitamin B6, and omega-3 fatty acids. Potassium is vital for hydrated cells in the body, including hair follicles. Vitamin E has antioxidant properties to help reduce stress on our hair’s structure and promote a healthy scalp environment for new growth. Vitamin B6 helps metabolize proteins and amino acids that makeup keratin – an essential component of skin and nails! Omega-3s promote a stronger scalp and healthier roots, leading to healthier-looking locks overall.

Green Tea

Green tea contains tons of antioxidants that protect your hair from damage caused by free radicals. Green tea also has a high concentration of catechins which help increase blood flow to the scalp, promoting healthier hair growth. Drinking green tea can reduce stress and prevent premature aging, contributing to overall healthier-looking locks! Studies have found that drinking one cup of green tea per day is enough to reap the benefits.


Broccoli has vitamin A, calcium, folate, fiber, vitamin C, iron, magnesium, vitamin K, and potassium. Vitamin A helps regulate the sebum on the scalp (the natural oil that hair needs to stay smooth), while calcium strengthens hair follicles. Fiber can help reduce the premature aging of skin cells while potassium supports muscle contractions in our body – which are crucial for healthier-looking locks. Magnesium is also needed to produce sebum, so broccoli can help your hair stay healthy by regulating the amount of sebum produced.

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