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Absolutely Avoid These Vitamins

  • Health

Vitamins are organic compounds that enter the human body through food because the body does not produce them or produce them in a minimal amount. Instead, the body requires these in small quantities, and every organism has different vitamin requirements. For example, in humans, vitamin D is not available in large amounts in food, so the human body synthesizes this vitamin when exposed to sunlight. 

There are different vitamins, and each has a different role in the body, therefore, every vitamin is required in an additional amount to stay healthy. It is a known fact that a deficiency of any particular vitamin may increase the chance of developing specific health problems. But very few people understand that certain vitamins, if taken in high amounts, can cause health issues. This article will discuss vitamins, their types, the ones you should take, and the useless vitamins to consume in excess.

Types Of Vitamins

Vitamins can be classified as fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins because they are either dissolvable or soluble in water or fat.

  1. Fat-soluble Vitamins are vitamin A, D, E, and K. They are stored in fatty tissue and the liver in the human body. The reserves of these vitamins can remain in the body for days and sometimes for months. 
  2. Water-soluble Vitamins cannot stay in the body for long because the body can’t store them. All the B vitamins and vitamin C are water-soluble. These vitamins leave the human body via urine; therefore, the human body requires a regular supply of water-soluble vitamins. 

Vitamin Supplements To Avoid

  1. Multivitamins

Everything the human body needs is satisfied by a balanced diet. It was a common belief that multivitamins play a crucial role in maintaining overall health. But the reality is that people get all these ingredients from the food they eat, so there is no need to consume them in excess to maintain your health. Rather than improving health, it can cause harm. A study states that taking multivitamins in large quantities for an extended period can increase the risk of death. 

  1. Antioxidants 

Vitamins A, C, and E are antioxidants, and they are in many fruits and vegetables. It is a known fact that these antioxidants are helpful in protecting against cancer, but recent studies state that if people consume them in excess, they can be harmful. If people consume antioxidants in excess amounts, it can increase the risk of certain cancers. Therefore, instead of going behind supplements of vitamins C, A, and E, people can include antioxidant-rich fruits in their diet in a limited quantity.

  1. Vitamin C

There was a myth that vitamin C helps prevent the common cold, but reason studies suggest that this vitamin has nothing to do with the common cold, but if you take it in mega doses, it can raise the risk of painful kidney stones. So it is better to rely on food for vitamin C rather than going for excess supplements. 

  1. Vitamin B3

Vitamin B3 treats several health issues, such as Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, etc. Contrary to this, recent studies state that high doses of vitamin B3 are harmful to health and can develop infections, liver problems, and internal bleeding. In addition, it won’t reduce the incidence of heart attacks, strokes, etc. So it is advised that people skip overconsumption of vitamin B3 supplements and eat tuna, Salmon, or beets instead.

  1. Vitamin E

The antioxidant vitamin E was famous for its ability to protect against cancer. Still, a recent study has found that if men consume an excess amount of vitamin E, it can increase prostate cancer risk. Instead of vitamin E supplements, people should focus on eating fresh spinach. 

  1. Probiotics

Probiotics are bacterial supplements that can improve gut health. They are found naturally in minimal amounts in yogurt and other fermented foods. But consumption of probiotics in excess will not result in any good. So people need not waste their money and time buying probiotic supplements.


Side Effects Of Vitamin Overdose

  • A high dose of vitamin A can cause nausea, coma, increased intracranial pressure, and an increased risk of death.
  • A high dose of vitamin D supplements can lead to weight loss, irregular heartbeat, appetite loss, and raised blood calcium levels leading to organ damage.
  • A high dose of vitamin C can cause diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps, vomiting, and migraine.
  • A high dose of B vitamins can lead to impaired vision, abdominal pain, sensitivity to light, heartburn, negative impact on the immune system, neurological symptoms, etc.
  • A high dose of vitamin K can interfere with blood clotting leading to bleeding and hemorrhagic stroke.

Vitamins To Consume

  1. Vitamin D

It is an essential vitamin that helps keep the bones strong, and people must consume it because they hardly get this vitamin from food. This vitamin is not present in most foods, but it is essential to keep the bones healthy and strong by absorbing calcium. Sunlight is a good source that helps the body produce vitamin D. But during winters, it is tough to get ample sunlight. Studies also favor the consumption of vitamin D supplements daily. It is helpful to increase lifespan by keeping the bones healthy. 

  1. Zinc

Vitamin C does not treat the common cold, but zinc is helpful. Studies found that zinc can interfere with the replication of rhinoviruses that cause the common cold. Therefore, if a person takes zinc, he will have a shorter cold and less severe symptoms. 

  1. Folic Acid

It is a B vitamin that helps make new cells. Pregnant women and women preparing for a child must consume folic acid daily to meet the body’s demands. Consumption of folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy results in a decreased rate of severe life-threatening birth effects on the child’s brain, spinal cord, and spine. 

Why And How Can You Avoid Overconsumption Of Vitamins?

Though vitamins and minerals are good for health and provide nutrition, getting an overload of vitamins and minerals can hurt you. Too much zinc or vitamin C can lead to nausea, diarrhea, stomach cramps, and other health issues. Therefore, relying on a balanced diet to consume vitamins and avoid taking daily supplements is always better. If a person is in the habit of taking vitamin supplements, they can keep checking the doses to prevent overconsumption. 

People can also notice some mild symptoms of an overdose of vitamins. These symptoms include difficulty sleeping and concentrating, numbness or tingling, etc. 


Vitamins and minerals are essential for keeping a person healthy. The human body can synthesize all the minerals and vitamins except a few. Any deficiency can lead to some severe health issues. Similarly, high doses can also result in health problems. No vitamin is useless, but there is no need to take any vitamin in excess. Consumption of vitamins in excess will not result in any good; instead, it will harm a person’s health. If a person is in the habit of taking supplements, it is best to do it with a doctor’s consultation.