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Reasons Why Your Skin Is Dry

  • Health

Dry skin is one of the most common, frustrating, and uncomfortable problems people can experience. It’s also one of the hardest to solve because several different factors often cause it. The good news is that there are many ways to prevent or treat dry skin – but you have to know what makes your skin dry in the first place. That’s why we’ve put together this list of 10 things that make your skin dry.

Over Exfoliating

A common mistake that can lead to skin dryness is over-exfoliating our skin – especially in problematic areas like the face or neck. Over-exfoliation results in removing too many cells, leading to flaking and irritation because there’s no way for them to retain moisture. If you want smooth pores & a radiant complexion, the best method is always to exfoliate at least once a week (ideally, you should do this with an oil-based product) but not more than twice per month!

Exposure To Harsh Chemicals

Personal care products labeled as “natural” or “organic” may contain chemicals and additives that can cause your skin to dry out, so it is best to check ingredients before buying any new product. For example, fragrance in a lotion formula could be very drying because of how it reacts on the skin – even if there aren’t many other irritating ingredients listed!

Bad Diet

If you are not getting enough essential fatty acids in your diet (a type of fat that is crucial for healthy skin) or aren’t consuming foods high in vitamin E, it may cause skin dryness. These nutrients help keep the natural oils on your body balanced! Healthy fats are in nuts, seeds, olive oil, avocados, and oily fish like salmon, while Vitamin E is in leafy green vegetables such as spinach & broccoli. If changing what you eat doesn’t improve dryness after a few weeks – consider seeing a doctor to rule out any medical conditions which could have triggered this problem!

Too Much Stress & Anxiety

When you are stressed out about something, your body produces stress hormones that signal your glands to stop producing natural oils. This makes skin dry out easier because there is less sebum available for hydration. No amount of moisturizer will solve this problem alone without changing the cause! The best way to prevent dehydration is by making sure you are getting plenty of sleep, eating well, and practicing good stress-relief techniques.

Wrong Moisturizer

When you use a moisturizing formula that is not right for your skin type, skin dryness can occur. Since everyone’s skin can be different – there isn’t just one product that works best! The most important thing to look for when buying any skincare products is the ingredients list. If it contains harsh chemicals or irritants like fragrance (which dries out the skin) and parabens (which clog pores), consider switching formulas so you don’t have to deal with this issue again!

Too Much Sun Exposure

It’s easy for dry skin symptoms to appear when your skin isn’t adequately protected by sunscreen. Another important step you should be taking daily is preventing sun damage and dehydration. When UV rays hit our cells, they break down the lipid membrane that keeps them intact, which leads to premature aging and diminishes moisture levels. To help prevent this problem, make sure you use a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher on all exposed areas of skin every day!

Wrong Haircare Products

Like skincare, hair products can trigger skin dryness, so choosing the correct formulas is vital. If you are using a shampoo or conditioner that contains harsh chemicals (which strip away natural oils) and parabens – this will dehydrate your locks over time! Always use sulfate-free shampoos so they don’t damage the outer layer of cells on our scalp. If you want extra moisture, look for styling products containing glycerin, shea butter & coconut oil because these ingredients help keep skin hydrated by locking in water molecules.

Not Drinking Enough Water

This might seem like a no-brainer, but sometimes we can forget about the importance of staying hydrated! Our cells need water to function properly, and if levels get too low, it will result in skin dryness. Drink half your weight (in ounces) as daily fluid intake – which is why some people who are larger or sweat more may want to consume even more than this amount!

Not Moisturizing Before Bed

Skin doesn’t just dry out during the day – it can be a problem that affects us while we sleep as well! If you aren’t moisturizing before bed, your skin won’t have any time to soak up the added moisture and will end up flaking off overnight. Applying an ultra-hydrating cream or oil (which has natural anti-aging properties) for optimal results is essential.

Taking Too Hot Of Showers

Since our skin needs water to stay hydrated, it’s important that we don’t dry out this layer by exposing it to too much heat. If you take long and hot showers (over 15 minutes) or baths with high temperatures – your cells will become fragile and start flaking off! It’s best to stick with lukewarm water so the lower temperature won’t dehydrate your epidermis.

Use Too Many Products At Once

It might seem like using multiple moisturizing creams would be beneficial, but often this results in an overdrying effect because all those ingredients are competing for active ingredient status. When using multiple products at once, it’s essential to always use the lightest formula and work your way up in concentration. Doing so helps ensure you don’t cause any additional irritation, which could lead to skin dryness!

Drinking Too Much Alcohol

While alcohol has an instant effect of making us feel more relaxed due to its sedative properties – drinking too much over time will dehydrate our cells because it causes the body to lose more fluid than it can take in. This is also why caffeinated drinks like coffee aren’t great for dryness because caffeine acts as a diuretic, flushing out water from our system!

Too Much Air Conditioning

With the weather getting extra chilly, it might tempt some of us to turn up the temperature in our homes and offices so we can stay warm. While this is a good way to keep heating bills down while reducing your carbon footprint, it harms your skin because colder temperatures cause our cells to lose moisture more rapidly! To avoid damage, make sure you either bring an artificial humidifier into your house or invest in thicker curtains that will reduce drafts from windows during the winter months.


In conclusion, many things can cause skin dryness, and it’s important to be aware of what they are to avoid excessive dryness! If you feel like your skin has been excessively flaking off lately, try out some of these tips or make an appointment with a dermatologist! Hopefully, after reading this article, you’ve learned a few new tricks on how to protect your skin from damage best and keep it looking radiant all year round.