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Ways To Renew Your Body

  • Health

In the excitement of daily lives, we often ignore our health, both of the body and mind. But, to enhance your performance and boost your energy, your system demands a little focus. This article gets you the best ways to renew your spirit and feel enhanced. 

Pay Attention To The First Hour Of Your Day

Your entire day will largely depend on the beginning, the first hour. If you wake up to general chaos, screaming kids, and harsh alarms, the rest of your day won’t be so calm. Also, if you take a high-octane coffee cup instead of a wholesome, healthy breakfast, you cannot feel refreshed all day. Do you quickly check your emails as you get off your bed? These habits aren’t brilliant for your body and mind. One may overlook them in the humdrum of busy lives, but here’s the secret to renewing your energies and body. 

Use this first hour as a powerful gift to how you’ll be for the rest of the day. You may incorporate early morning meditation of thirty minutes of yoga. Take fresh fruits and vegetables as your breakfast, if possible. You may even go for 45 minutes of running or stretching.

Slow Down To Speed Up 

One of the ways to feel renewed day by day is to slow down. Try focusing on your moments, breath, and thoughts. Most often, they work unnoticed. But, one never understands why life never takes a break from troubles. Perhaps you need to. So, give yourself time to get things into balance and realign. By slowing down, you feel renewed in the spirit. This trick even brings more significant focus, calm, and clarity to your everyday life. One can begin by slowing down breaths at intervals throughout the day and noticing its patterns. 

Drink And Eat For Energy

Foods that offer energy to your body and mind are plants. Your diet need not be complicated. So, you can follow conscious and straightforward rules as to how much, what, and when to consume. By doing so, your energies and overall health will dramatically improve. First of all, ensure to eat in small portions. It will keep your blood sugar levels fine. You may eat five times a day, but keep your energy flow steady. Take lunch, breakfast, two snacks, and dinner. 

You may even have healthy snacks along with you every time. Because never let your body feel too hungry. Also, focus on how energetic you’re feeling and never let it deplete. Finally, consume a balanced diet with whole grains, proteins, and many fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid sugary drinks and processed foods. In simpler words, eat, but not too much. And take plants as far as possible. 

Practice The Act Of Gratitude

When we aren’t concerned about our bodies, internal messaging is burdensome. If we begin to feel like victims, the weight gets heavier. And so, we begin to extract energy out of those around us. Does a loop keep criticizing in your head? Practicing the art of gratitude will help. Gratitude is indeed a fantastic way. You get transformed by the renewal of your thoughts, which in turn balance your energies. Oprah popularized the concept of maintaining a gratitude journal. You can end each day by scribbling about everything you’re grateful for throughout the day. 

Even when times aren’t good, we are blessed beyond imagination. So, gratitude is all about taking a moment to acknowledge and see our gifts, our fortune, and our privileges. These energize us every day. If you do it every night, a mental reset occurs and sends you to sleep with peace. 

Renewal Of Body, Mind, And Spirit Through Bible Verse And Meditation

According to Romans 12, chapter 2, one should not be conformed to this world but be transformed by renewing your mind. So, in turn, you become all that is good and acceptable and perfect according to the will of God. Among the best ways to renew your body and mind is reading bible verses daily. Incorporating a mind-body practice with daily lessons from the Bible connects you directly to the holy spirit. In addition, mind-body practices like Qi Gong, tai chi, yoga, and even martial arts are great. Any of these, done every day, brings your body and mind together. 

You can meditate in motion, bringing control over your physical and mental responses to challenges and stress. Apart from connecting yourself to the spirit of God and understanding the revelation of Jesus Christ, practice meditation. Your body’s reaction to the external environment will change. Further, bible reading, still, and motion meditation create internal relaxation and calm. As a result, even in times of stress, you can perform with ease and better concentration.

Take Breaks Throughout The Day

Bible and meditation can surely free you from deceitful desires. But, working incessantly throughout the day is another habit you need to change. For example, if you are working on a project, continue for 90 minutes and then take a break. It will enhance your focus, interest, and productivity. 

Here’s another takeaway. Working late in the evening can be a waste of time. Sometimes, it’s even counter-productive. You’ve been working all day. So, after 8 p.m., your body and mind demand rest. Since you’ve spent the whole day focusing your energies and concentrating, it’s better to stop. You can sleep or simply relax and return the next day. 

Practice Recovery And Forgiveness

A perfect balance is an impractical concept. It is an enemy of performance as well. If you’re balanced, it suggests that you’re in a constant recovery state. You can reap regular benefits by working at it slowly. Forgiveness goes hand in hand with recovery. If one can acknowledge failure effortlessly, it becomes easier to begin again. The path from failure to recovery, if smooth, leads to enhanced confidence and growth of body and mind. The quicker and more often you go from failure to recovery, the easier it becomes and the greater your confidence that you are on the right path.


Apart from the renewal ways mentioned above, you should take a nap of seven to nine hours every night. Sound sleep boosts your overall well-being. Also, as rightly mentioned in the Bible, the old self is corrupted by deceitful desires. It needs to be put aside. 

By following those above simple yet effective tips, you can be renewed in the spirit of your mind. A new self blessed with the mercies of God will take birth to follow the path of holiness and righteousness.