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Foods Known To Cause Auto-Immune Disorders

  • Health

The immune system stands as a barrier between our gut and harmful bacteria and viruses in typical cases. As soon as it senses a foreign invasion, it triggers our cells to defend our body against every viral or bacterial attack. 

The immune system can efficiently differentiate between our cells and foreign cells. However, on the autoimmune side, the immune system works in a reverse manner. It considers our organs as alien entities and produces antibodies that start damaging the healthy cells. 

There are different autoimmune diseases, and some adversely affect a single organ while some involve the whole body. For instance, Type-1 diabetes damages only the pancreas, but Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) targets all the organs. 

Why Does The Immune System: Our Guard, Attack The Body?

Some people are more susceptible to autoimmune diseases when compared to others. Although what causes the immune system to malfunction is unclear, doctors believe certain factors may trigger autoimmune disease. 

Foods That Trigger Autoimmune Disorders

Do not be dismayed and disheartened if you have an autoimmune disorder. Learn to identify foods that trigger autoimmune diseases. Food ingredients and other components like additives, emulsifiers, etc., are reasons causing your autoimmune system to crash. But, a systematic approach and a well-thought-through diet can help you prevent these disorders. Identify foods that either help you to reverse your condition or to remain unaffected by it. You should altogether avoid consuming the foods that cause digestive distress and adversely impact your immune system.


Gluten is the primary culprit behind celiac and autoimmune disorders. Gluten is the binding protein responsible for a leaky gut. The 2022 New England Journal: a highly reputed scientific research journal, published 55 diseases that result from consuming gluten. The list includes inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, osteoporosis, lupus, anemia, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and many more disorders.


Many autoimmune diseases are also caused by drinking cow’s milk. Type-1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis are on that list. Consider replacing dairy products with dairy alternatives.


Consuming eggs can worsen your condition if you are already facing autoimmune issues. Egg white is a protein that enters into the gut lining, making your immune system overactive. Stop eating eggs for about a month and notice the difference in your health. 

Processed Foods 

The standard American diet contains processed and packaged foods containing chemically altered hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, high fructose corn syrup, trans fats, refined grains, and sodium chloride (chemically cleaned white table salt). These foods facilitate metabolic syndrome, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.


Glucose, sucrose, and fructose are all different forms of sugar. It depletes white blood cells’ power to demolish biological agents. Immune function is decreased by fifty percent after two hours of consuming it.

White Table Salt

Refined and processed salt might be one of the environmental factors resulting in a rise in autoimmune diseases. In an experiment, mice fed high-salt food indicated a dramatic boost in the count of Th 17 cells due to that disease and inflammation in the nervous systems. Processed white salt contains sodium chloride, among other chemicals, preservatives & occasionally sugar but not sea salt.


Numerous problems are associated with having grains regularly. One of the main significant issues is that they are often genetically modified. They contain gluten and use glyphosate before harvesting. They are difficult to digest due to being high in carbohydrates, and there are chances of them cross-reacting with gluten as they increase insulin and blood sugar levels in the body. That implies they induce an immune response in gluten-sensitive individuals. Barley, oats, corn, millet, rice, and rye are cross-reactive grains.

Cross-Reactive Diet

Approximately one-third of the population is sensitive to gluten. The immune system mistakes cross-reactive foods for gluten. Foods such as cereal grains, corn, rice, yeast, millet, instant coffee, milk, and chocolate cross-react with gluten. Gluten-sensitive individuals must contemplate removing such foods from the diet. 

Tree Nuts

Tree nuts are one of the prime allergens and are overall food sensitive. Individuals with autoimmune ailments are more likely to have allergies or sensitivity to nuts and seeds than others. Eliminate nuts when you are on an elimination diet to figure out if you have a nut allergy or not. 


It’s a sticky protein plant that defends itself from being eaten by insects or humans. However, lectins have one problem, they are difficult to digest and get stuck to the intestines lining. Due to that, it creates an imbalance in the gut. Lectins enriched foods are legumes such as lentils, peas, peanuts, beans, nightshade vegetables, and grains. According to cardiologists, research suggests that lectins become the reason for most heart disease, dementia, diabetes, arthritis, and every autoimmune disease. 


Gluten, dairy products, egg white, nuts, processed foods, foods high in fat, sugar, and salt impair the immune system and cause autoimmune disorders. Out of all, gluten is primarily the leading cause of autoimmune diseases. These foods also cause migraines, skin problems, mood disorders, fatigue, and joint pains. Dementia is also a result of foods that trigger autoimmune diseases. Removing these foods from your diet will help you keep your gut healthy.