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Signs From Your Body Is Having Issues

  • Health

The human body is incredible. Have you ever realized your body has been giving warning signals about every change going inside it? Being aware of the warning signs and where to pay attention early can make a difference in combating severe illness. That doesn’t mean you should start getting worried about every sneeze or headache. This article intends to make you aware of the early signals that may point out some serious illness so you can start the treatment as soon as possible. 

Sometimes, a symptom in one part of the body could signify a problem in another. For instance, swollen feet could mean you have an underlying kidney-related disease. So, listen to your body and pay keen attention to the symptoms it’s trying to indicate. 

Sudden Weight Loss

Have you seen a sudden drop in your weight without any diet or workout changes? If you’ve lost around 10 pounds without doing anything, get it checked by the doctor. Unexplained weight loss could prove to be a symptom of severe underlying diseases, diabetes, or certain types of cancers like stomach, pancreatic, or lung cancer. 

Tingling Sensation In Arms Or Legs

Don’t ignore that tingling sensation you’ve been experiencing in your arms, legs, or feet. Tingling is something people easily ignore, but it could be a sign of illness. For example, if you’re experiencing a tingling sensation, it could be due to circulation problems and diseases like diabetes, anemia, multiple sclerosis, etc. Tingling in the feet with or without swelling could also indicate kidney issues. 

If you’re experiencing tingling once in a while, there’s nothing to worry about, and you can wait for your next consultation with the doctor. However, if tingling lasts more than an hour and is followed by nausea, you should seek immediate medical help. 

Chest Pain

There are several reasons behind your chest pain, such as muscle soreness or heart attack. If you’re frequently experiencing chest pain, monitor the severity of the pain and how often it’s happening. If the pain is severe and sudden, accompanied by excessive sweating and shortness of breath, get medical help or call 911 immediately. 

If the pain is long-term, it could indicate heart disease. In any case, chest pain shouldn’t be ignored. If it lasts for more than 1 or 2 days, immediately consult a doctor. 

Abdominal Pain

Like chest pain, abdominal pain also has several reasons, and it’s more tricky to differentiate. It could be the result of spicy food you ate or just a sign of an upset stomach. However, consistent abdominal pain could be a sign of something worse like gastrointestinal disease or even cancer. So, pay attention to the severity of your abdominal pain and how frequently it’s happening. 

Sometimes bowel issues are also responsible for the abdominal pain you’re experiencing. So, pay attention and act accordingly. 

Numbness Anywhere In The Body

Numbness anywhere in the body, like feet, hands, or legs, could be a very severe symptom, primarily if it’s affecting one side of the body as it could mean a stroke. With numbness, you might also experience difficulty speaking, confusion, as well as blurred vision. 

No matter what’s the cause is, the numbness should be immediately investigated. If you’re experiencing other symptoms of the strokes, call an ambulance immediately. 

Change In Appetite

Can’t eat more than one slice of your favorite pizza nowadays? Immediate changes in the appetite are also a red flag, along with sudden weight loss. Your appetite might be affected by how quickly or slowly your body is digesting the food, and sudden change is incorrect. 

However, if you’re more hungry or feeling full once in a while, it’s completely normal. But if you notice the change stays for longer, you should consult a doctor immediately. 

Mental Health Symptoms

Being healthy doesn’t include physical health only. Optimal health includes both physical and mental well-being. For example, suppose you’re constantly anxious or feeling sad and depressed all the time. In that case, you should consult a mental health professional. 

Other symptoms of depression or any other mental illness include extreme unexplainable tension, flashbacks about traumatic events, thoughts of suicide or killing others, and seeing or hearing things that aren’t there.  These symptoms can arise after you’ve gone through any severe trauma, lost a loved one, or faced any extreme devastating event in the past. If you’re experiencing any of the said symptoms, seek medical treatment immediately. You can also consult a therapist to talk about the personal problems you’re going through. 


Lightheadedness or dizziness can be caused by any brain, vision, or inner ear issues. Dizziness is the most common symptom that causes people to seek medical care. 

If you develop other symptoms and dizziness like nausea, vomiting, and the dizziness continues for more than an hour, call the emergency services immediately. Dizziness can be a symptom of high blood pressure, low blood pressure, anemia, thyroid, heart conditions, or dehydration. 

The Bottom Line

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, immediately get medical attention. In case of extreme chest pain, dizziness, or numbness, call 911 immediately. Don’t try to drive yourself; always call someone for help. You can combat a severe illness if you pay attention to the symptoms early. Listen to your body carefully because it always has something to say.