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Refined Sugars Vs Raw Sugar

  • Health

Sugar is an excellent source of energy for the human body. However, it can cause blood sugar level imbalance, obesity, heart diseases, and more. There are several types of sugar, but they are broadly categorized into two types. Read the article to get a picture of refined sugar vs. raw sugar. 

Unrefined Sugars

Agave nectar, maple syrup, honey, and coconut sugar are less processed than their refined counterparts. As a result, natural honey has more nutrients than honey obtained after a refining process. 

Refined Sugars

Table sugar (white-colored) is refined sugar in the best sense. Commercial foods like sodas, candies, and baked goods often carry brown and powdered sugar and high-fructose corn syrup. All of these sweeteners are refined sugars. Sugar cane plants and sugar beets make table sugar. It is why you also call it ‘cane sugar.’ Once the surrounding plant matter and impurities are removed, sucrose is left behind. 

Table Sugar

The scientific name of this refined sugar is sucrose. This white, plain table sugar consists of glucose and fructose (one molecule each) linked together. So, in other words, it’s 100 percent sucrose. 

Maple Syrup

From the perspective of sugar content, maple syrup is almost identical to table sugar. Ninety percent of these syrup molecules are sugar. The remaining 10 percent are individual and free-floating, glucose and fructose. 

Coconut Sugar

Like maple syrup and table sugar, coconut sugar is sucrose majorly. Around seventy to eighty percent is sucrose. You will also notice glucose and fructose (little and free-floating, of course). 


While honey is purely composed of monosaccharides, other sweeteners are not. All the sugar molecules in honey are free-floating and individual, glucose and fructose. The molecules aren’t bound either. There are, however, other sugars and a small amount of sucrose in honey. 

Are Unrefined And Unprocessed Sugars The Same?

Not all unrefined sweeteners are unprocessed. If found in liquid or powder form, it isn’t whole food and is highly concentrated. The fiber in sugar cane makes you feel full, and the sugars are easy to digest. As for fruits’ raw sugar, the low calorie and high fiber content are simple for the body to assimilate. 


The best alternatives to fruits are honey, date sugar, and maple syrup. Here are the different types of sugar, excluding sucrose: 

Fructose: Found in fruit and honey. The glycemic index is the lowest.

Maltose: It is in potatoes, grains, alcohol, and nuts. 

Glucose: This sugar is in simple carbohydrates. It is the energy source of your body. 



While the question remains which sugar to consume, the answer is you can keep a balance. One may eat cupcakes once in a while but keep natural and raw sugars higher in the routine. The refining process isn’t healthy, of course. Yet, everything remains fine when taken within limits. Include unrefined sugars in your meals more often to enhance well-being