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What Healthy Teeth And Gums Look Like

  • Health

You could learn something important about your oral health with just a few examining your teeth, gums, tongue, and lips, as well as the lining of your cheeks. 

Here are seven signs of good oral health and what you should look for:

Firm And Pink Gums

Gums are also an important part to take care of, just like teeth. However, gums are crucial for keeping our teeth healthy. They should be pink in color, not red or white. You can check if your gums are healthy by gliding your clean fingers along your gums. If your gums are pain-free and firm, that’s a good sign that they are healthy.

Also, focus on your tongue and the inside walls of your mouth. The tissue should be firm and pink, just like gums. 

As saliva constantly flushes out extra food particles from your teeth, your mouth should also be moist. But if your mouth is dry, you could be dealing with a more significant health issue like Alzheimer’s or diabetes. 

While you brush your teeth, look at your tongue and remove any plaque, which can show up as a white film.

Healthy Teeth

Healthy teeth are one of the signs of good oral health. Teeth should have no cavities, but when the dentist or hygienist checks your teeth, they search for several other signs of health. To see if your teeth are healthy, they check for things like:

  • Erosion
  • Staining
  • Cracks
  • Looseness
  • Sensitivity
  • Chips
  • Disease
  • Failing dental work
  • Crookedness

Healthy Oral Tissues

Healthy oral tissues are usually firm, pink, and moist. The dentist will look for issues like dry mouth, infections, swelling, painful sores, or tenderness during your oral exam.

The dentist will also look for the warning signs of oral cancer and other serious issues, like cysts.

Neutral And Pleasant Breath

There is nothing as awkward as someone facing away from you as a result of breath stinking. However, there is no way to feel uneasy when conversing with someone when the breath is pleasant. 

Naturally, neutral breath means a healthy mouth. Frequent flossing, brushing, and regular checkups will be the best way to maintain good breath. Bacteria will exist well in the presence of food particles. 

No Blood While Brushing Or Flossing

Pay attention to the sink and mirror while you brush. Healthy gums and teeth shouldn’t bleed, and if they do, don’t ignore it. If you notice a recurring pattern, ensure to consult with your dentist, even if it is just a tiny amount of blood. 

Built-up plaque along the gumline is the number one cause of bleeding gums. Brushing too hard or roughly can also cause your gums to bleed, and it can even damage your enamel. So ensure to brush gently along all the teeth surfaces to prevent gingivitis. Make sure to use a gentle, soft-bristle toothbrush and circular motions when you brush.

Proper Bite

Also, a healthy mouth means your upper and lower teeth fit together consistently, so while you’re chewing, the forces are distributed and shared equally throughout the jaw. Teeth aligned and straight properly are much easier to brush and floss, leading to better breath and preventing cavities or gum disease, beginning with proper home care. 

Stick Out Your Tongue

Healthy oral tissues are often moist, pink, and firm. If you’re suffering from low iron, your tongue might look a little inflamed. Also, a sluggish thyroid may cause your tongue to thicken, and also a fungal infection can be white patches on your tongue. Look for bleeding, lumps, ulcers, and sores, too. They could indicate something mild disease or something much rarer but serious, like tongue cancer.

Final Words

With a healthy mouth, you boost your social relationships, self-confidence, and professional life, and the body’s mirror as well. A beautiful and healthy smile goes beyond the exterior appearance. Maintain your dental health and improve your confidence!!