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Super Simple Exercises Almost Anyone Can Do

  • Exercise

In today’s fast-paced world, the significance of regular physical exercise cannot be overstated. Exercise is not merely a way to keep fit; it’s a holistic approach to improving one’s quality of life, mental well-being, and longevity. However, one of the most common complaints heard is that exercise is ‘too hard,’ ‘too time-consuming,’ or simply ‘not for everyone.’ This article seeks to dispel such myths by presenting a range of super simple exercises that almost anyone can incorporate into their daily routine. No fancy gym equipment, no complicated maneuvers, just straightforward exercises that pack a punch in terms of health benefits.

The Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

The axiom “Health is Wealth” underscores the immense benefits that come from regular physical activity. Cardiovascular health is the most direct beneficiary, with consistent exercise helping to improve heart rate, lower blood pressure, and increase blood circulation. This, in turn, makes the heart more efficient in its function, reducing the risk of heart disease.

But the benefits aren’t just physical. The mental health advantages of regular exercise are substantial. Consistent physical activity can result in lower stress levels, thanks to the release of endorphins, which act as natural mood lifters. Additionally, exercise can boost cognitive function and mental clarity, making tasks seem less daunting and problems easier to solve.

Common Barriers to Exercise and How to Overcome Them

Exercise often becomes a casualty in the busy lives people lead. Time constraints are among the most cited reasons for not exercising. The reality, however, is that exercise can be slotted into daily activities, whether it’s a 10-minute walk during a lunch break or doing squats while watching TV.

Lack of motivation is another barrier that many face when it comes to maintaining a regular exercise routine. The best way to sustain motivation is to set achievable goals and track progress. Celebrating small wins can provide the necessary encouragement to stick to the exercise routine, transforming it from a mundane task to an enjoyable activity.

Preparing for Exercise: What You Need

Before diving into any exercise routine, it’s vital to ensure one is properly attired. Comfortable clothing that allows for unrestricted movement is essential. This is not just about aesthetics but also about avoiding any distractions or irritations that could come from uncomfortable attire.

Equally important is identifying a safe and appropriate environment for exercise. For indoor exercises, ensure the area is free of clutter and hazards. If opting for outdoor activities, choose a location that is not too crowded and where the ground is even to minimize the risk of injuries.

Warm-Up: Getting Your Body Ready

Skipping a warm-up is akin to diving into a pool without checking the water’s temperature. A proper warm-up prepares the muscles and joints for the workout ahead, reducing the risk of injury. A simple warm-up could involve light stretching and spot jogging for about 5 minutes.

Warming up also has psychological benefits. It acts as a mental preparation, helping to focus and concentrate better on the exercise. Starting with a warm-up can increase the effectiveness of the workout that follows, making every minute count.


The push-up is a quintessential exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. To perform a push-up, start in a plank position and lower the body until the chest nearly touches the floor. Push back to the starting position while maintaining a straight body line.

Push-ups are highly versatile and can be modified to suit individual fitness levels. Whether performed on the knees for beginners or elevated for advanced exercisers, push-ups offer substantial benefits, including increased upper body strength and caloric burn.


Squats are another foundational exercise that focuses on the lower body. To execute a squat, stand with feet shoulder-width apart and lower the body by bending the knees as if sitting in a chair. Ensure the knees don’t extend beyond the toes, and return to the standing position.

Not only do squats target the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, but they also help improve overall body balance and posture. Incorporating squats into a daily routine can also boost metabolic rate, aiding in weight loss and muscle tone.


Lunges are a superb exercise for targeting the legs and improving balance. To perform a lunge, start from a standing position, step forward with one leg, and lower the body until both knees form 90-degree angles. Push back to the starting position and alternate legs.

The benefits of lunges extend beyond just muscle building. They also improve functional strength and flexibility, making daily activities like climbing stairs or lifting heavy objects much easier. What’s more, they can be done anywhere, requiring no special equipment.


Planks are deceptively simple but incredibly effective in building core strength. To perform a plank, get into a forearm position with the body forming a straight line from head to heels. Hold this position for as long as possible, focusing on tightening the abdominal muscles.

Besides strengthening the core, planks are excellent for improving posture and can even help reduce lower back pain. For individuals looking to advance, variations like the side plank can provide additional challenges and benefits.

Cool Down: Why and How

Just as warming up prepares the body for exercise, cooling down helps the body transition back to its normal state. A proper cool-down can include light stretching and deep breathing, which aids in reducing muscle soreness and enhancing recovery.

Skipping the cool-down phase can lead to stiffness and increased muscle tension. It also helps mentally, allowing a moment to reflect on the workout and encouraging a sense of accomplishment, making it easier to stick to a regular exercise regimen.

The Bottom Line

Exercise doesn’t have to be complicated to be effective. The simple exercises outlined in this article can be easily incorporated into a daily routine and offer myriad health benefits, both physical and mental. So, it’s time to set aside the excuses and make exercise a non-negotiable part of life. After all, a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled life is just a few simple exercises away.