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Healthy Drinks You Can Make

  • Health

Are you tired of drinking plain water but don’t want to sacrifice your health for sugary sodas or caffeinated energy drinks? The importance of hydration cannot be stressed enough, but that doesn’t mean water is your only option. This article takes you through a curated list of healthy drinks you can easily make at home, ranging from refreshing smoothies to soothing herbal teas. With so many options, you’ll never get bored of quenching your thirst healthfully. Let’s start by diving into the first option: the nutritious yet delicious green smoothie.

Green Smoothies

Green smoothies have gained immense popularity in recent years, and for good reason. These blended beverages offer a convenient way to consume a large serving of fruits and vegetables while enjoying a tasty treat. Depending on the ingredients used, a green smoothie can be a powerhouse of nutrients, supplying essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that promote overall health.

In terms of recipes, green smoothies are incredibly versatile. A classic combination might include a handful of spinach, a banana for natural sweetness, and almond milk for creaminess. For an extra health boost, ingredients like chia seeds, flaxseeds, or protein powder can be added. Remember, choosing ingredients can drastically alter the nutritional profile, so choose wisely based on individual health goals.

Herbal Teas

Herbal teas offer a calming, caffeine-free alternative to traditional teas and coffee. Made by infusing herbs, flowers, or roots, herbal teas, such as chamomile, peppermint, and ginger, come in many flavors. Beyond their delightful taste, these teas are lauded for their medicinal properties, which range from alleviating digestive issues to reducing inflammation.

If one aims to reap specific health benefits from herbal teas, choosing the right type is crucial. For instance, chamomile tea is renowned for its calming effects and can aid sleep, whereas peppermint tea may soothe digestive discomfort. Some herbal teas are rich in antioxidants, which can help fight off oxidative stress. It’s easy to incorporate herbal teas into a daily routine; just consult a healthcare provider if pregnant, nursing, or on medication.

Fresh Fruit Juices

Contrary to popular belief, not all fruit juices are high in sugar and lack nutrients. The key to a healthy fruit juice is making it fresh at home. By doing so, one can control what goes into the juice, avoiding added sugars and preservatives commonly found in store-bought versions. Moreover, freshly squeezed juices are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals.

Making fresh fruit juice at home is relatively straightforward. All one needs is a good-quality juicer and fresh fruits of choice. Popular combinations include orange carrot and apple-lemon juices. Consider throwing in some leafy greens like spinach or kale for added nutritional value. Remember that even homemade fruit juices are high in natural sugars, so moderation is key.

Coconut Water

Regarded as one of nature’s most hydrating beverages, coconut water is the liquid found inside young, green coconuts. It’s low in calories, rich in electrolytes, and superior to commercial sports drinks, which often contain artificial colors and added sugar. Coconut water is particularly beneficial for athletes or anyone who needs quick hydration.

However, not all coconut water is created equal. When shopping for bottled coconut water, it’s vital to read labels carefully. Opt for brands that don’t use added sugars or preservatives. The best choice is fresh coconut water directly from the fruit, but that may not be feasible for everyone due to availability or convenience factors.

Detox Water

Detox water, also known as infused water, is another excellent choice for staying hydrated. By adding fruits, vegetables, and herbs to regular water, one can create a beverage that’s not only refreshing but also packed with nutrients. Detox water has been claimed to help flush out toxins, aid digestion, and even help with weight loss.

Making detox water is simple and highly customizable. Classic combinations include lemon-cucumber-mint or strawberry-kiwi. Simply add the ingredients to a water pitcher and let it infuse for a few hours or overnight. The result is a flavorful, aromatic water that’s a pleasure to drink. As a bonus, after finishing the water, the infused fruits and vegetables can be eaten for extra fiber and nutrients.

Almond Milk Lattes

For those who enjoy lattes but wish to avoid the high sugar and dairy content often found in coffee shop versions, almond milk lattes provide a healthier alternative. Almond milk is lower in calories and sugar than regular milk and is dairy-free, making it suitable for lactose-intolerant individuals.

Making an almond milk latte at home is fairly easy. Start by brewing a cup of strong coffee or espresso. Then, use a frother or shake it vigorously in a sealed jar to froth almond milk. Combine the coffee and frothed milk, and sweeten with natural sweeteners like stevia or honey. With almond milk lattes, you can enjoy a creamy, delicious beverage without the guilt.


Kombucha is a fermented tea drink that has captured the attention of health enthusiasts worldwide. This fizzy, tangy beverage is made from sweetened black or green tea and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (SCOBY). Kombucha is reputed for its health benefits, particularly its high probiotic content, which supports a healthy gut.

Like many health foods, the benefits of kombucha are often hyped, but it does offer certain advantages. It’s a source of probiotics, and some studies suggest it can help boost the immune system. If you try kombucha, choose brands with lower sugar content or make it at home to control the ingredients.

Protein Shakes

Protein shakes have long been associated with gym-goers, but they’re useful for anyone needing a protein boost. They can serve as a quick meal replacement or fuel after a workout. Protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, and shakes are an easy way to meet daily protein requirements.

Both vegan and non-vegan options abound when it comes to protein shakes. Look for protein powders made from hemp, pea, or brown rice for plant-based options. Whey protein is a popular non-vegan choice. Simply blend the protein powder with water, milk, or a milk substitute, and add fruits, vegetables, or nuts for flavor and extra nutrients.

The Bottom Line

From nutrient-packed green smoothies to probiotic-rich kombucha, you can make no shortage of healthy drinks at home. Not only do these beverages offer a variety of flavors, but they also come with a host of health benefits. The next time you reach for a sugary soda or an overpriced latte, consider opting for one of these healthier alternatives. With a little preparation, making drinks that are good for you and delicious is easy. So, take control of your health and hydration by trying these recipes—you won’t be disappointed.