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6 Stretches You Should Do Everyday

  • Exercise

Every morning when we wake up from our long night sleep, our body involuntarily starts performing a specific sequence of stretches. Perhaps you might arch your back, point your toes downwards, or stretch your arms. Maybe you might roll your head from side to side or rotate your shoulders. Without a second thought, your body knows that after staying in the same position for hours, it will require some stretching to move.  

Yet, as the day passes on, we deny making some conscious effort to stretch. Some of us have become so unconcerned that when it comes to performing physical exercises, we neglect to stretch before or after every workout, which is highly essential according to several types of research. 

Studies have proven that performing stretches after every workout session can help in improving motion around our joints. It also helps improve blood circulation to deliver essential nutrients to muscles, boost oxygen level, and provide relief from tension and stress. If you do not make regular stretching part of your daily routine, you might start experiencing less flexibility around your joints, increasing your chances of developing arthritis. Now that you have read how important stretching is, listed below are six stretches you should perform every day. 

Ground Quadriceps Stretch  

Performing stretching exercises for your quadriceps is essential, especially for athletes. Ground quadriceps stretch exercise is an effortless and yet effective way to strengthen and relax your quadriceps muscles.  

All you have to do is lay down on your right side with your right arm extended upwards for balance. Then, slowly take your left arm and grab your left foot while bending your knees and slowly pull your foot towards your glutes. Stay in the position for 15 to 30 seconds, then switch on to your other side.  

Simple Hamstring Stretch  

The hamstring is towards the back of your thigh, and it is a part of the muscle group responsible for flexing or bending your knees. Performing stretching exercises for your hamstring will help improve your running and walking stride and alleviate your lower back pain. This comfortable and straightforward hamstring stretch will engage with those muscles to be no added stress.  

All you have to do is sit on the ground with your legs extended outwards and make sure your toes are appointed. Slowly start bending down words as far as possible, keep your knees straight. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds, and repeat it three times.  

Pec Stretch  

Pectoralis muscles present in our body are responsible for many shoulder moments. Like picking up something, flexion of arms, rotating your shoulders or bringing your arms to your side.    

Start by standing in front of a doorway and place your forearms on the inside of the door. Then slowly start cleaning upwards along with your chest, and you will feel a slight pull on the front of your shoulder blade. Hold this position for 30 to 45 seconds, and repeat it three times.  

Seated Spinal Twist (Glutes)

Sitting for hours in one position can tighten your glute muscles. And when this happens, the chances of suffering from severe conditions like problems with the IT band can slowly turn into lower back pain and knee injuries. Spinal twist stretch is one of the best methods to stretch out your glute muscles, and the best part is you can perform this stretch while sitting.   

All you have to do is, sit on the ground with your legs extended forwards. Then, you slowly bend your left knee with your right arm, pulling your left heel closer to your right sit-bone. While performing this stretch, make sure your left arm is placed on the ground to allow your left glutes to engage more appropriately in the exercise. Hold the position for 15 to 30 seconds, then switch to the right knee.  

Kneeling Hip-Flexor (Groin)

While sitting, our hips are flexed, which keeps the other muscles surrounding the hips in a shortened state. This is why we need to perform hip flexor stretches every day.   

First, kneel on the ground with your back straight and your backside away from the ground. Then, keep your left knee on the ground, and slowly lift your right knee, and with that, place your right on the floor. You are creating a 90-degree angle. Then start squeezing your glute muscles; also engage with groin and hip flexor while moving your hips upward and knees on the ground. Hold on to this position for 15 to 30 seconds, and then switch it on the right side. 

Chest Opener

Sometimes the muscles surrounding a heart can also tense up, so we need to make sure that we perform this stretch every day. By completing this stretch, you can help open and stretch the chest muscles and stimulate air throughout your body. The chest opener stretch is effortless and straightforward to perform.   

All you have to do is stand at one corner of your room, about 18 inches away from the wall, make sure to stagger your feet behind you. Then, slowly extend both your arms onto your sides, bending them from your elbow to your forearm pointing upwards; your palms should be facing out, pressing against the wall. Slowly lean your body inwards, pushing your chest until you feel a stretch. Hold on to the position for 30 seconds, keeping your hands and forearms still. Repeat the stretch three times.  




Whether you spend your entire day hunched over your laptop or you spend most of your days standing up, it is very typical for you to feel pain in your lower and upper back. The good news is that the above six stretching exercises will help provide you relief from this pain.