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Why The First Stages Of A Diet Make You Feel Bad

  • Diet

Starting a new diet is often filled with high hopes for a healthier lifestyle, significant weight loss, and newfound energy. However, it’s common to feel worse than before in the initial stages, which can be both baffling and discouraging. Many wonder why they feel bad when trying to do something good for their bodies. Several factors contribute to this discomfort, from physiological and psychological adjustments to lifestyle inconveniences. Understanding these elements is crucial for overcoming the early challenges of dieting and staying committed to a healthier lifestyle. This article explores the multi-faceted reasons why the first stages of dieting can make you feel bad and offers actionable advice on navigating these tricky waters.

The Shift In Nutrient Intake


Most diets involve a radical change in nutrient composition. A ketogenic diet, for example, drastically reduces carbohydrate intake, while a high-protein diet necessitates consuming large amounts of protein. Each of these macronutrients plays a critical role in the body’s daily functioning, and a significant shift can produce a host of symptoms. Carbohydrate withdrawal can lead to a condition colloquially known as the “keto flu,” characterized by headaches, fatigue, and irritability.

Understanding the role of macronutrients in the body’s overall function can offer significant insights into why these shifts make people feel unwell. Carbohydrates are primarily used for energy, fats serve as long-term energy storage and cellular function, and proteins are essential for muscle repair and growth. Any imbalances in these core nutrients can lead to immediate physiological responses, often manifesting as discomfort or illness. Therefore, a gradual shift in diet composition might help mitigate the severity of these symptoms.

Detox Symptoms


In the health and wellness community, “detoxing” is often presented as a pathway to optimal health. The theory is that a new diet helps the body rid itself of accumulated toxins, leading to a healthier state of being. This process often comes with its share of symptoms like headaches, irritability, and fatigue. The body naturally detoxifies through organs like the liver and kidneys, but a drastic change leads to what are known as “detox symptoms.”

It’s important to understand that the liver and kidneys are always at work, regardless of diet changes. However, altering what you consume can lead to an uptick in detoxification, thereby exacerbating symptoms. While these symptoms might seem counterintuitive to the goal of feeling healthier, they are often a sign that the body is adjusting to the new diet. Over time, as the body completes its detox phase, these symptoms usually subside, making way for the health benefits that inspired the diet change in the first place.

Psychological Factors

Embarking on a new diet is not merely a physiological endeavor but also a psychological one. Cutting off comfort foods like chocolate, chips, or sugary beverages can be emotionally taxing. Food isn’t just fuel; it’s often tied to emotions, memories, and social activities. Feeling bad during the first stages of a diet can partially be attributed to the psychological adjustments that come with denying oneself these comforts.

Moreover, food has often been used to cope with stress, sadness, or boredom. The sudden cessation of these “comfort foods” can lead to emotional and psychological discomfort. The stress of drastically changing one’s eating habits can also produce symptoms like irritability and mood swings. Recognizing the psychological factors can help dieters develop healthier coping mechanisms and set realistic expectations for their emotional well-being during the initial stages of a new diet.

Gut Microbiota Changes

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria indispensable in digestion, nutrient absorption, and mental health. Changing one’s diet inevitably changes the composition of the gut microbiota, leading to symptoms like bloating, gas, and even diarrhea or constipation. For example, shifting to a high-fiber diet can cause bloating and gas as the gut bacteria adjust to breaking down more complex carbohydrates.

The changes in gut microbiota don’t just affect digestion; they also impact how one feels overall. New research continually unveils the extensive connections between gut health and mental well-being, often called the “gut-brain axis.” During the initial stages of a diet, as the gut adjusts to new food types, this can lead to feelings of discomfort and even mood changes. Understanding the role of gut microbiota can help one prepare for these symptoms and possibly mitigate them through probiotics or other supplements.

Metabolic Adaptations

The body’s metabolism isn’t static; it adapts to the energy provided through food. When someone starts a new diet, the metabolic rate may change, leading to feelings of fatigue, dizziness, or weakness. This is particularly true in calorie-restrictive diets where the body must adjust to less energy intake, forcing it to become more efficient in energy use.

However, it’s essential to remember that metabolic adaptation is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it can lead to initial discomfort; on the other, it indicates the body’s incredible ability to adapt to new circumstances. Fatigue and sluggishness usually subside as the body finds its new equilibrium. Keeping this in mind can help dieters persist through the challenging early phases.

Hormonal Fluctuations

A change in diet often results in hormonal changes that can affect both physical and emotional states. For instance, reducing sugar and carbohydrate intake can decrease insulin levels, affecting how the body manages blood sugar. Similarly, stress hormones like cortisol can fluctuate, leading to heightened stress and even food cravings.

It’s not just about insulin and cortisol; other hormones like ghrelin, often dubbed the “hunger hormone,” and leptin, which signals satiety, can also fluctuate during the initial stages of a new diet. These hormonal shifts can lead to various symptoms, from hunger pangs to mood swings. Awareness of these changes can help one manage the symptoms better and stick to the new diet plan more effectively.

Social and Lifestyle Adjustments

Starting a new diet often means breaking away from social norms and practices, which can be isolating and challenging. The joy of sharing a pizza with friends or indulging in a dessert during family gatherings suddenly becomes a point of tension. Social events become a navigational challenge, where one has to decipher menus and make special requests, often drawing attention to their dietary restrictions.

Dealing with social pressure can often exacerbate the negative feelings associated with starting a new diet. While physiological and psychological factors play significant roles, lifestyle adjustments, and social dynamics can add layers of stress and discomfort. Managing these social situations without compromising on the new diet can make the transition smoother and less emotionally taxing.

The Bottom Line

Starting a new diet comes with its own set of challenges, both physiological and psychological. From macronutrient shifts causing “keto flu” to detox symptoms and hormonal fluctuations, the body undergoes several changes as it adjusts to a new way of eating. Add to this the emotional toll of giving up comfort foods and the stress of social eating, and it’s clear why the initial stages can feel overwhelming. However, understanding these facets can equip individuals with the knowledge to manage these symptoms better and stay committed to their health journey. Armed with this information, the road to a healthier lifestyle becomes less daunting, making the initial discomfort a worthwhile price for long-term benefits.