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Best Stretches To Do For Better Flexibility

  • Exercise

Flexibility is not just a trait admired in gymnasts and dancers; it’s a crucial aspect of overall well-being, affecting everything from athletic performance to daily chores. Flexibility can contribute to better posture, reduced risk of injury, and even relief from chronic pain. Moreover, it enhances the quality of life by enabling a wider range of movements in everyday activities. This article aims to guide you through effective stretches to improve your flexibility, covering a range of techniques suitable for everyone, whether you’re a seasoned athlete or just someone looking to become more agile. From understanding the science behind stretching to mastering specific exercises for different body parts, this article will serve as a comprehensive guide to better flexibility.

Why Flexibility Matters

Flexibility is often sidelined in the fitness community, overshadowed by the more noticeable gains like strength and endurance. However, lack of flexibility can be a significant risk factor for injuries, particularly muscle strains and ligament sprains. According to a study by the American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine, increased flexibility can reduce the risk of certain injuries by as much as 40%.

Daily lifting, bending, or standing for extended periods can strain muscles and joints. Flexibility can alleviate these stress points, making tasks less strenuous. For athletes, flexibility plays a crucial role in enhancing performance. It can lead to better balance, a greater range of motion, and quicker response times, significantly affecting how one performs in any athletic endeavor.

The Science Behind Stretching


When one stretches, several physiological processes take place. The most prominent among them involves muscle fibers and fascia—the connective tissue surrounding muscles. Stretching causes these fibers to elongate, increasing the muscle’s range of motion. Contrary to popular belief, the goal is not to make muscles “longer” but to improve their capacity to expand and contract within their existing length.

Understanding the types of stretching can help optimize the stretching routine for better results. Static stretching is where a pose is held for an extended period, usually 15-60 seconds. Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of your body and gradually increasing the reach or speed of movement. Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) stretching is a more advanced form that involves stretching and contracting the targeted muscle group. Each type has its benefits and drawbacks, and a mix of these can often yield the best results.

Before You Start Stretching

Stretching without a proper warm-up can be counterproductive and even harmful. A good warm-up increases blood flow to the muscles, making them more pliable and responsive to stretching. Ideally, a warm-up should involve 5-10 minutes of light aerobic activity, followed by dynamic stretching.

Before diving into a stretching routine, one must understand one’s physical limitations. Overstretching can lead to muscle strains and even more severe injuries. Tools like yoga mats and resistance bands can be incredibly beneficial for a safer and more effective stretching session. These props can offer both support and resistance, making the stretches more targeted and controlled.

Upper Body Stretches

Regarding stretching for flexibility, the upper body often takes a backseat to more prominent muscle groups like the legs and core. However, upper body flexibility is crucial for lifting heavy objects to perform athletic activities like swimming or basketball. One effective stretch for the shoulders is the Crossbody Shoulder Stretch, which involves pulling one arm across the chest while keeping the shoulders down stretching the deltoids and upper trapezius.

Another critical area for upper body stretching is the arms. A Triceps Stretch, for instance, can be done by lifting one arm overhead, bending the elbow, and gently pushing on the bent elbow with the opposite hand. This stretch is crucial for anyone who engages in activities that require arm strength and stability. Not to forget the back, the Cat-Cow Pose from yoga can be an excellent way to stretch and flex the spine, thereby improving the range of motion and reducing stiffness in the upper body.

Core and Lower Back Stretches

The core and lower back are integral parts of the body that participate in virtually every move you make. Therefore, keeping them flexible is crucial. The Seated Hamstring Stretch, for instance, targets the back of the thighs and the lower back, making it an excellent stretch for improving posture and reducing back pain. To perform this stretch, sit with one leg extended outward while the other is bent inward, then lean forward from the hips toward the extended leg.

On the other hand, the Hip Flexor Stretch focuses on the muscles that help in hip and knee movements. To perform this, assume a lunge position with one leg forward and then push the hips forward. This stretch benefits athletes and people who sit a lot during the day, helping to alleviate stiffness and tension in the lower back and hips. The Child’s Pose is another stretch that can relieve tension and improve flexibility in the lower back, giving a stretch that feels as good as it is effective.

Lower Body Stretches

Lower body stretches are the most commonly practiced because they target large muscle groups like the quadriceps, hamstrings, and calves that are heavily involved in walking, running, and jumping. A simple Standing Quadriceps Stretch involves standing on one leg while pulling the other foot towards the glutes. Holding the ankle rather than the foot helps in a deeper stretch.

Calf stretches are equally important, especially for people who engage in activities like running or hiking. The Wall Stretch, where you lean against a wall with one foot extended backward, helps to stretch the calf muscles effectively. Hamstring stretches like the Seated Hamstring Stretch are also crucial for overall lower body flexibility. They can help in various physical activities, including improved running stride and reduced lower back pain.

Dynamic Stretches for Flexibility

While static stretches are excellent for improving flexibility, dynamic stretches prepare the body for physical activities, making them perfect for warm-ups. Arm Circles are a simple yet effective dynamic stretch for the shoulders and upper arms. They involve extending the arms to the sides and performing circles in both clockwise and counter-clockwise directions.

Leg swings are another dynamic stretching exercise that prepares the legs for activities requiring a range of motion. These can be done front-to-back and side-to-side, targeting different muscle groups like the hamstrings, hip flexors, and adductors. High knees and butt kicks are other dynamic stretches that improve flexibility and boost cardiovascular health, making them multi-benefit exercises worth incorporating into any fitness routine.

The Bottom Line

From understanding the science behind stretching to practicing specific stretches for various body parts, the journey to improved flexibility is enlightening and rewarding. Flexibility is a natural talent and can be developed and maintained through consistent efforts. This article provides a comprehensive guide to help you improve your flexibility, whether your goal is to perform better in sports, reduce the risk of injury, or make day-to-day activities more manageable. So, go ahead and integrate these stretches into your daily routine to experience the myriad benefits that come with being flexible. Share this article if you found it helpful, and stay tuned for more insights into achieving a healthier, more flexible you.